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Mid Century Modern – the fuss free style

When it comes to designing an interior, very few clients are aware of Mid-Century Modern and its style.  Its characteristics make it perfect for today’s contemporary, modern and eclectic home décor styles. Mid-Modern Century also connects well  to another more familiar style – Scandinavian.  So let me take this opportunity to share the basics and how it can be incorporated.

A little background first. After the Second World War, many German architects migrated to America and took with them their Bauhaus style.  Cities expanded and urbanization usurped. As a result, demand for modern furnishings in newly built homes grew. Thanks to technological advances, new materials, finishes, colours and textures flooded the interiors markets. And so between 1933 and 1965, a brand new form of architecture, furniture and graphic design emerged – Mid Century Modern.

Mid century modern is a cool, clean vibe. It is understated and classic – a fuss free style. Functionality is important, as form follows function. It uses traditional materials as well as the newer ones of that period. Metal, glass, vinyl, plywood, Plexiglass and Lucite.


Since mid century modern is based on open airy spaces, less is more. Elements like shag rugs, rough stone fireplaces, smooth glass table, sleek ceramics, and textured upholstery come together for a more interesting room. Patterns emerge in abstract paintings, pillows, and other accessories.

The best comfortable and stylish designs blend well with today’s more casual lifestyle and open floor plans . In recent years, mass furniture retailers have flooded the online markets with inexpensive replica furniture pieces and accessories. These are very much available in India. This means it is easier than ever to find items for your own home and create that Mid-Century Modern experience.

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